I’m experimenting with something you probably know nothing about.
Oh wait, you’re a human, so yeah, you probably know a lot about what I’m experimenting with: Pressure.
(Don’t think for one second, I don’t automatically hear “Under Pressure” [Queen/David Bowie] and want to bust out a tune).
You see, this whole experiment came about due to my participation in one of my infamous spin-outs.
And what’s a spin-out you’re probably wondering?
Well, if Britney Spears circa 2007 popped into your memory (shaved head and wielding an umbrella)—I’m not there…yet.
My spin-out looks more like a Tasmanian Devil that gets sucked into a hurricane.
I literally go so fast (at life, work, motherhood, wifey-lifey, etc.) something has to stop me.
Most of the time the thing that gets me to slow down and recognize I’m in a tizzy is life being so smart: “Whoa, Kel, slow the hell down.”
Or my Hubs noticing the Tasmanian Devil spin out, watching me get all amped up from afar, and then dropping a subtle hint to me like, “You think that computer’s gonna feed you?”
Soon after I slow the hell down.
I suppose I’ve experienced enough burnouts to heed the warning signs from life and the Hubs (all thanks to getting older).
Thankfully this little spin-out was able to be slowed down; like when you’re going so fast on a merry-go-round and someone comes in and physically stops it (hi, dad!), or you jump off because you’re feeling extra ballsy (hi, childhood!).
I’m always vacillating between a force helping me slow down or hurling myself onto stable ground.
(I’m working on some sort of balance, ok. #LifeGoals)
A full-blown spin out was thwarted, and I was left to ponder what actually got me twirling like crazy: why was I going so fast in the first place?
And the answer was clear: pressure.
More specifically—self-imposed pressure to be further ahead.
I was doing this to myself (as I usually do).
There’s no one to blame for my spin outs and definitely no one to blame for placing ridiculous amounts of pressure on myself.
And the truth is—I’ve been that way my whole life.
Perhaps it’s my childhood that had zero discipline.
Perhaps it’s that Capricorn in me that loves to be task-oriented and stubborn and diligent.
Perhaps it’s my fear that my idle brain will send me packing to Fiji on the next red-eye leaving everything behind.
So, I pressed the snooze button on pressure.
Why the snooze button and not turn the entire alarm clock of pressure off?
Because sometimes pressure does make diamonds and perhaps I might need to harness that energy.
But I definitely prefer a place of low-pressure.
And that’s where I’m hanging out.
I’m experimenting with the low-pressure lifestyle.
And what does that look like?
Well, so far, I’ve stopped placing ridiculous time frames on my work life.
I love working ahead and being so on top of things that not only am I anticipating the next ten moves, I’m also living in that potential scenario.
I’ve learned to tell myself, “BE HERE NOW, WOMAN!” (I know that’s so Buddha of me to say, but damn, living in the future blows).
So here I am in all of my experimenting glory.
Every time I feel like I’m adding unnecessary pressure to my world, I literally stop and bitchslap ma’self: “You love your work. You’ll get it done. Just keep showing up and plugging away, you crazy-beautiful thing, you!”
How’s that working out for me?
Pretty darn good, actually.
I’ve thrown out mantra’s in my life (maybe it’s just the word mantra I’ve thrown out…hmmm), but I do love some self-talk that keeps me from puking on the merry-go-round or jumping off mid-swirl and getting all roughed up.
Because sometimes watching the future you on a playground chillin’ by the tree’s—workin’ on that low-pressure lifestyle—is where the magic really is.
Love + Snooze Buttons,
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